November 1, 2023

November  1, 2023


 Principal's Message

Dear Cheetah Community,

I am so proud to be a part of this community. The amount of families who came out to our Fearkauf Trunk or Treat event was amazing. I saw families laughing, smiling, and connecting with each other! Our fifth goal for our school site plan is to create an inclusive and welcoming culture. Monday night was another great example of this. I would like to give a special thank you to Natalie Gallagher for organizing the event and to all of the families who decorated, donated candy, and showed up to participate! Goooo Cheetahs! 

Remember to check out our instagram and facebook page to see more photos! 

Theuerkauf Elementary - FacebookInstagram


Writing Contest Winner!

Congratulations to our Writing Costume Contest Winner, Olivia in 5th grade! She connected the costume choice to our school core values that we work on every month. Here is her essay:

“Dear Mrs. Lyons,

I think you should be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz because in the movie she shows respect, responsibility, courage, integrity, and perseverance. And she meets a LION who learns courage. And she meets a scarecrow who learns new things more and more like our school everyday. And a robot who learns respect. That is the reason I think you should be Dorothy for halloween.”

Sincerely, Olivia


Treats for Troops 

Theuerkauf will be collecting all unwanted candy this year to be donated to the troops overseas. Please only donate any excess (unopened/ individually) wrapped candy. No homemade or store bought baked goods. Let’s show our troops love and let them know they aren’t forgotten heading into the holiday season. Please drop off all donations with the front office until the end of day on November 2nd. Thank you!


Día De Los Muertos

This week we have also been celebrating The Day of the Dead. This is a time of both joy and quiet remembrance as families honor their loved ones who have passed away. Here is a picture of Ms. Lisset, our SCEF, teaching 1st grade students about the altar. You can see it too this week in the front office!


Minimum Day on Friday

This Friday is a minimum day for students. Please make sure you have made arrangements for your child to get picked up at 12:10pm on Friday, November 3rd. Teachers will be busy finalizing grades for the first trimester. Take time with your child to celebrate all their success and hard work in school so far. You could even take the afternoon to talk through academic and behavior goals for trimester 2 while reflecting on trimester 1! Goal setting is a great way to create a step by step plan to stay focused on all the achievements they wish to accomplish.


Warm Regards,

Principal Danielle Lyons

 Important Dates


  • Friday, November 3rd- End of Trimester- Minimum Day- Dismissal at 12:10pm

  • Friday, November 3rd- Community Check-in with Dr. Rudolph, 3:30-4:30pm (Register Here)

  • Wednesday, November 8th- TH Game Night sponsored by the PTA @ 5:00-7:00pm

  • Friday, November 10th- Veterans Day- No School

  • No Place For Hate Week! Nov. 13th - 17th

  • Board of Education Theuerkauf Showcase! Tune in on youtube or come in person to the board room at the district office! Nov. 16th @ 6pm. 

  • Friday, November 17th- Principal’s Coffee 8:00-8:30am by the Flagpole

  • Monday, November 20-22- Thanksgiving Recess- No School

  • Thursday, November 23- Thanksgiving - No School

  • Friday, November 24- Day after Thanksgiving Day- No School

  • Theuerkauf Parent University - Monday, November 27th- 5:30-6:30pm

 School News


Cool Cat Winners going above and beyond to show or give respect for Oct. 27 2023

Madeline G.          Rm 11

Messiah R.            Rm 15

Zoe U                    Rm 16

Luis T.                    Rm 6

Nika M.                  Rm 7

Josiah A.                Rm 7

Mauricio V.             Rm 8

Kiana R.                 Rm 9

Jonathan C.           Rm 9

Evelyn P.                Rm 12

Annika A.               Rm 19

Itzae H.                  Rm 20

Joselyn I.               Rm 21

Zacharly T.             Rm 22

Congratulations to all the winners!

 District News

The Board of Trustees will meet on Thursday, Nov. 2 at 6:00 p.m.

Some of the topics include:

  • Resolution for United Against Hate Week 

  • Resolution supporting Native American Heritage Month

  • Updates to Choice Program lottery policy 

  • ELA Curriculum Adoption Update

  • Transportation Update 

  • CAASPP Assessment Data Overview

For meeting details and agenda, please click here:  


Superintendent's Community Check In on Friday, Nov. 3

Please join us for our Community Check-In with Dr. Ayindé Rudolph on Friday, Nov. 3 at 3:30 p.m. Bring your questions. Spanish interpretation will be provided. Click here to register:  Mark your calendars for all upcoming community check-ins! A list of dates and login information is here.


Minimum Day on Friday, November 3

Friday is the end of the trimester and a minimum day for students.


MVLA Parent Ed: This Is So Awkward - A Conversation About How Puberty Has Changed

Join MVLA Parent Ed on Tuesday, November 14 at 7pm (LAHS Eagle Theater) for Dr. Cara Natterson and Vanessa Kroll Bennet’s presentation of “This Is So Awkward - A Conversation About How Puberty Has Changed.” Learn about the modern realities of puberty you didn’t experience in your own youth but nonetheless need to understand, covering everything from body development to gender identities, from social media to easy-access pornography. Register for this free event here


Silicon Valley Reads: A Greener Tomorrow Starts Today

Silicon Valley Reads, a community engagement program that celebrates the power of books to bring people together, has announced the theme for 2024 will be, “A Greener Tomorrow Starts Today.” The program will focus on environmental sustainability, with a selection of books and events that explore the challenges and opportunities of creating a more sustainable future, not only in Santa Clara County but worldwide. Throughout February and March 2024, Silicon Valley Reads will offer a diverse range of free virtual and in-person public programs suitable for all ages. To view 2024’s featured books for adults and children, visit

 PTA News


Holiday Family Photo Shoot - November 5th 1-4 pm
For this fun family photo fundraiser, you get to sign up for a 15 minute mini photo sessions and will take home 5-10 photos on a thumbdrive for a $35 donation!  

Please email parent volunteer, Smita at [email protected] and visit this link to signup:


Family Board Game Night - November 8, 2023 

From 5-7:30 pm, families can come together on campus to learn a new board game or bring one to share. Snacks & drinks provided!  More details coming soon!


Books Inc Fundraiser - December 6, 2023

Save the date – Dec 6th 5-8 pm! Our annual library fundraiser is coming your way soon!  You can shop for books at Books Inc downtown on Castro Street and support Theuerkauf’s library at the same time.  We’ll have special readings by Principal Lyons at 5:15 and Ms. Baikie at 5:45 pm. 


Tuesday Playdates
Every Tuesday, all Theuerkauf families are invited to come together after school on the blue Theuerkauf playground 3 pm - 3:30 pm, followed by some games on the field.  We usually share snacks and have fun!  Free and fun!


Friday Chess Club

For 3-5th graders, we are bringing out chess boards and having games and mini chess lessons from PTA parent volunteers during their lunch time (12:30 - 1:15 pm).  If you think your student might enjoy learning chess,  please encourage them to look for the chess club next to the playground on Fridays.   If anyone wants to volunteer to head up a 1st - 2nd grad chess club during their lunch period, please email Emily ([email protected]


MVEF - Please donate today!

Please consider making a small donation to the  Mountain View Education Foundation (MVEF)!

Donate below (and choose "TH" as the school):

MVEF pays for art, music, Living Classroom, and so much more!   And it is 70% funded by parents like you!  Without parent donations, there would be no art classes or music classes.

Currently we have a goal of 25 Theuerkauf families donating before October 31st and we're only about half way there.  If you can make even a small donation, it would be a big help!  Thank you for considering!



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